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Flash animation

These brief animated sequences were part of a large project used as instruction aids to illustrate various industrial processes. Originally set up as a standalone presentation, elements have been utilised in PowerPoint presentations and for online use.

  • Flash and ActionScript 2
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • PowerPoint and ActiveX

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Animated presentation

These are scenes from an application designed to explain various industrial processes, it incorporated an audio description of the animation and optional background music. This and similar projects were used as interactive and automated self running presentations

  • Adobe Flash and ActionScript 2
  • Adobe Illustrator

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Animated e-cards

For special occasions or promotions small animated scenes can be generated to deliver a memorable message.

  • Adobe Flash and ActionScript 2
  • Adobe Illustrator
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Interactive Presentations

These images show the supplied CD and a selection of screens from two presentations. They acted as a marketing aid to present luxury properties in a highly professional format. A background music track was synced with the presentation imagery and text, this led to an interactive area where it was possible to explore the property levels and display room specifications.

  • Macromedia Director
  • Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Soundbooth
  • Lingo programming
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DATA Capture

This project required the production of a number of stand-alone applications to streamline the print ordering for a major brewery. Reps would go to an outlet and using their laptop select menu content options, which would also display pricing levels. These details and print specifications would then be sent via email to a central point to be collated and the print ordered.

  • Filemaker Pro
  • Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
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